It is unfortunate that the word ‘natural’ has been so over-used in advertising that it has ceased to mean anything, and is used to advertise even the most unnatural products.
Folium Botanica Quality Standard – therapeutic, highest quality ingredients, pure and safe
Product Formulation: Dual-action, therapeutic, simplified skin care
Each of our products is designed to provide dual action; therapeutic to treat specific skin conditions and preventative to nourish and preserve long-term appearance and health of the skin. A supercharged combination of organic essential oils and vitalizing botanicals are blended, based on research and teachings of the world’s prominent herbalists and aromatherapists, to bring dramatic improvements to your skin.
Our ingredients have potent nutritive properties like vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Together these ingredients work in synergy to create products that are pure, healthy, luxurious and also amazingly effective. Known to help anything from serious skin conditions like rosacea, dermatitis, and psoriasis, they can also reduce scarring, treat acne, prevent or treat wrinkles, puffiness, broken capillaries and improve overall youthful glow of the skin.
Only healthy skin can be beautiful skin, and the only way to correct the “flaws” we are so often unhappy about is by restoring the health of our skin. Our products are specifically designed to moisturize, cleanse, polish, and feed your skin with the all-natural ingredients it needs to heal and shine again. We offer you products that provide a benefit in addition to nice appearance: healthier skin rather than simply a better-looking complexion.
100% Natural Ingredients: Highest quality and therapeutic grade
Our products are made with organic and wild harvested herbs and minerals of the highest quality. We are committed to never using toxic or synthetic man-made substances, chemicals, fragrances, harsh preservatives, and fillers.
General “cosmeceuticals” are not considered a medication and therefore are not regulated by the FDA. At least 98% of the plants we use are certified Organic by the USDA, but most of our herbs are wild-harvested. All of our herbal ingredients are purchased loose and, what we call, “live-herbs” – only specific herb material (leaves, flowers, etc.) dried properly, handpicked at the right growing stage and time of the year to assure their full potency. These live herbs make up the main ingredient of our facial masks and macerated oils. We then ground them in-house to flower-like granularity and mix them with the highest quality mineral clays imported from all over the world.
We pride ourselves on ingredients that are gentle, all-natural, non-invasive, and best of all, they work. Combined with healthy living habits and a clean, nutritious diet our products will help you achieve beautiful skin for the rest of your life.
Organic vs. Natural: What is the difference?
Folium Medica products focus primarily on skin – its function and health – but their effect extends further, inducing positive changes to your physical and emotional well-being. Don`t underestimate prolonged exposure of even a minute’s presence of toxic substances contained in your everyday products. Not having severe reactions to certain products doesn`t mean you can tolerate them. Think of all the different allergies, those persistent pains and aches we are told we can adjust to and learn to live with. They are usually caused by various irritants our bodies are exposed to over long periods of time. Aside from compromising our health these toxic substances, when used on skin, are causing premature aging and irritation. Just think about this – if a product is 70%, 80% or even 98% organic, it doesn`t mean much if even a small percentage in the formulation is harmful. These toxins can undo healing powers of even the most powerful botanical, oil or any other natural ingredient. As a result, these formulations might not give you desired results and can even further aggravate sensitive skin, sending the wrong message that natural products simply don`t work.
Truly natural formulations, similarly, show their true power when used over longer period of time. The only difference is that they promote healing, they protect our bodies and preserve our health. Natural ingredients are mild, gentle medicine and require our patience to show their ability to heal.
Pure: No chemicals and no additives
We decided to stay away from harsh laboratory-created, chemical-loaded, and synthetic ingredients in order to deliver products that are healthy, gentle on your skin and good for your body. We don`t use colors, animal ingredients, perfumes, fillers, preservatives or anything that does not have desired therapeutic property. Our products are authentic in its formulation and set an example of purity and perfection.
Manufacturing: European-formulated and Made in USA
We safely guard the quality of our products from creation until it reaches our customers. We do this by first carefully selecting specialized suppliers of our natural botanicals; secondly by benign manufacturing processes, and finally packaging, storage and expiration dates. Our blending and packaging is done by hand, preserving the quality of ingredients and making sure they are not altered in any way.
Ingredients can be altered during the manufacturing process depending on what equipment is used. If excessive heat is introduced anytime during the process, ingredients will lose their potency – similar to cold pressed vs. centrifugal process of expelling oils. It is not well known that most of the natural products blended without strong preservatives lose their potency and healing power in about 6-8 months, therefore our products are prepared in small batches, closely monitoring supply and demand to ensure availability and on-time delivery so freshness and potency of our products is not compromised.
Tested: Tested and Proven
We only sell products that we have tested thoroughly with friends and family. We’re also inviting interested testers to try out new products during pre-market phase of development. We strive to develop products that not only be effective, but also very safe for those whose skin is very sensitive, those who suffer from allergies and sensitivities to various environmental irritants. We also thought of those who are unwell or fighting serious illnesses and in need of the most pure and safe skin care. Because of her own personal struggles with health and skin problems, our founder is committed to never compromise your health and well-being by using only ingredients that are pure, unaltered, and of highest potency.
Animal friendly
We do not test any of our products on animals.
Environmentally Conscious
We are an environmentally conscious company and proud to have minimal impact on the environment. We use recycled material in our packaging and promotional material. All of our products will always be packaged in glass bottles and jars mainly to preserve the quality of ingredients and prevent leakage of harmful substances from plastic into our formulations and environment. Glass containers can be refilled and reused to store another product, or simply recycled.
The glass bottles we use are durable and selected to preserve our product from damaging UV rays. In order to reduce waste and control cost of our products we do not use outer packaging on most of our product with exception of products sold at retail stores. All information, directions, and list of ingredients are clearly shown on our product labels.
Business Conduct: Ethical and Honest
We put our personal integrity and responsibility behind our products and business. We always conduct our business with the utmost respect for our customers. We’re here because of you, and we are committed to going above and beyond your expectations, no matter what. Business is not just doing deals; business is having great products, having great engineering, and providing tremendous service to customers. If you have any questions or comments please talk to us. Your feedback is truly valued!
Our Business Manifesto:
HONESTY – Truth always.
INTEGRITY – Courage to choose the moral and ethical path.
CARING – Selfless dedication to help others.
RESPECT – We are each important, relevant, and unique.
RESPONSIBILITY – Duty to contribute personally, professionally, and socially.
EXCELLENCE – Mandatory.
SPIRITUALITY – Belief in an intrinsically good, higher power, and in purpose beyond self.
HUMILITY – Inward perspective that drives gracious behavior.
AUTHENTICITY – Genuine formulations. Genuine ingredients.
SAFETY – Sold onto idea of post-chemical society.
Social Responsibility: Helping those who need our help
We operate in an environment where for-profit meets non-profit, and entrepreneurship meets philanthropy. Our charitable commitment and social responsibility benefit the well-being of those who need our support and help. Each month we contribute 3-5% of our sales to one of our preferred USA charities working to alleviate poverty, protecting forests, and oceans. Without you, our customers, we would not be able to do this, and that`s another reason we appreciate our customers and the recognition you have given us by using our products.